Money Mindset
Feminine Wealth Creatrix: a money mindset revolution for
women ready to take charge of their wealth
You’re sick of the push and pull relationship with wealth and your ready to crack your income ceiling to reach financial liberation!
You are ready to completely change the practicalities of how you handle and grow your money and finally experience how much fun building wealth gets to be
You’re fed up of the sinking feeling you get when you look at your bank account and wonder why there is not more, and your ready for the numbers to match the effort you put in
You’re ready to drop the shame around previous money experiences and release yourself from a scarcity mindset to learn to live in overflow
If you’re ready to upgrade your money mindset, your wealth receiving capacity, and to take charge of your financial future by growing your net worth EVERY DAY it’s time to become a
Feminine Wealth Creatrix
It’s time to change your money mindset and your relationship with money and receiving on all levels once and for all.
World class tecniques that will shift your mindset, the way you receive and your ability to hold large sums of money energetically and physically.
Practical step by step systems for building wealth and maintianing your money health.
Tried and tested techniques to remove money fears and previous life vows that might be blocking you.
Discover how to become magnetic to money and apply this new skillset to your sales and magic money receiving.

There are 7 juicy levels to completely transform your money mindset, and your relationship with wealth in Feminine Wealth Creatrix and 11 BONUS lessons to ensure you stay besties with money forever!
1. Money Mindset
Dive into money mindset and uncover the tangled beginnings of our current money beliefs so we can release these and choose powerfully supportive believes instead
Feel into the real and beautiful vibration of money so you can become a match for this frequency

2. Releasing Money Blocks
Look your deepest money fears in the face and obliterate them totally! Then dive into a past life regression to remove hidden wealth blockages and poverty vows.
Learn a fast self administered money fear releasing technique you can use over adn over again at every new income level you reach.

3. Turning up the dial on Receving
Experience a wealth code activation, and discover the link between money and love – it will shock you and shift you.
Learn how to become magnetic to money and to how to feel comfortable with receiving on all levels, money, love, health.

4. Build a healthy relationship with money
Explore your current money relationship, flip it on its head and create a brand new empowered money relationship.
Pull your head out of the sand and become unafraid of numbers leading to clarity and certainty around your wealth.

5. Juicing up Money Flow
Take a deep dive into the energy of receiving and learn how to turn that up on demand.
Discover and align to the wealthiest version of you and let money come to you!
Discover what you TRULY want and how to get what you desire.

6. Mastering the Practicalities of $$
Implement the practical systems and structures to lock in a clear wealth strategy.
Queen up and become a true entergetic match for money.
Implement weekly money tracking systems so you have clarity around your finances.

7. Cementing in the Vibe of Wealth
Feel great about money, and feel confident about your wealthy future.
Discover the stress free way to get a handle on your finances so that can acknowledge where shifts need to occur.
Identify and blast away those pesky money stories that are limiting your flow.

30+ lessons and strategies for building wealth and changing the way you feel about and receive money forever – all from a place of feminine flow.
You can be money savvy, have solid money growth structures and systems in place, and dance around in a tutu!
7 powerful modules – valued at $1500
Bonus energetic healings – valued at $199
Bonus rage journey experience – valued at $99
Bonus full moon release ceremony – valued at $99
Bonus becoming magnetic to money workshop – valued at $299
Bonus sales training module- valued at $299
Total value = $2495
Regular price = $666
*all prices are in USD
Your Price Today $169
This method really works!
“I have always been aware that I had a weird ideas about making money- I hadn’t appreciated that one of them included keeping money. Looking back I can see how that has played out and I am pleased to say that this course has solved the problem for me”.
” OMG this course is just so awesome, the phone rang about half an hour ago and I said to my hubby this will be another new client. He said how do I know, I said I just do. And it was for a massive global brand, dream client! So that’s my 2 clients for the week already!”