
Galactic Energy Activations


Elevate with powerful weekly galactic energy clearings,

realignments and activations


Are you ready to feel clear, aligned, and fully supported all the time?


Are you ready to receive and integrate galactic energy shifts effortlessly?


Are you ready to clear energetic and collective debris and sail through your days, weeks, and months with ease?

The world needs us healed, fully functional, and firing on all cylinders because the world needs what we have got to offer. It’s time to Elevate

As an energetic being having a human experience your energy system also requires clearing and support the same as your physical body requires routine cleaning, maintainance and repairs


Clear personal, generational, collective and residual energies, traumas and debris to keep your energy channels clear for receiving in ease and flow.


Realign your energetics to a higher freqency keeping you in control, feeling light, and full of energy.


Utilize guided galactic energy to repair and restore your physical and energetic systems to leave you feeling fully healed and realigned to your highest self.


Release old coding, past life vows, current hooks, daggers and fog, and call in new galactic gifts and support to have you firing on all clyinders every day.


There are three important parts to Elevate that allow you to stay feeling high vibe, free a bird and ready for living in joy and taking aligned action everyday

1. Weekly Downloads


Receive guided galactic energy downloads every week working on what comes up for humanity and the collective at the time


Most sessions are kept to 20 mintues and can be repeated as often as you need them


Full Energetic Library with years of past resources (available with 12 month membership) – Most Elevate Members use these to fall asleep to each night!

2. Quarterly Galactic Energy Check-ins


Live energy check-ins and quarterly worldwide energetic updates


Connect with other energy matched women and hang out with your soul family


Ask your burning galactic and/or energetics questions or just sit back and enjoy the fun and shenanigans

3. Active Support Group


Dive into a safe and supportive place with others who understand that meshing the woo with the do is ‘why’ we are successful


Ask for and receive persoanlized advice as and when you need it


Hang out with your soul family and let your real alien self out of the closest

 It’s time to say yes to…

  • Coping better with the multiple galactic energy shifts that we are all experiencing, whether we are aware of them or not, so you can show up every day in an aligned state of being
  • Guided energy practices that allow you to clear at the deepest soul level and understand what you are experiencing and feeling and to move through blockages swiftly (and make you feel sane)
  • Connecting deeply to the energetic support that is your birthright making you feel fully supported, wildly free, and like everything is ‘right’ in your world
  • A full library of past energetic clearings + workshops available with the annual membership to help you stay high vibe and shift out of funky moods with ease

This energy work work’s!

“Elevate helps me to understand what and why I’m feeling or experiencing. Just makes my world feel ‘right’ and that I can move through whatever comes my way. Helps me to feel empowered and remember why I came here at this time.
If I’m feeling tired or out of sync usually the weekly recording shifts that feeling or if not I go into the archive. I’m not always sure why I might feel a little ‘off’ so having guided energy work shines a light on that which I can’t see and gives some understanding around energetic shifts that are happening“.

“Elevate makes it easier to shake any funky moods, bad days etc, to find joy more easily, trust more in flow, clear away energy when it’s been a full on day, particularly helpful after days with lots of client contact. I fall asleep to an energy clearing nearly every night now.

 It’s time to say yes to…

  • Coping better with the multiple energetic shifts that we are all experiencing, whether we are aware of them or not, so you can show up every day in an aligned state of being
  • Guided energy practices that allow you to clear at the deepest soul level and understand what you are experiencing and feeling and to move through blockages swiftly (and make you feel sane)
  • Connecting deeply to the energetic support that is your birthright making you feel fully supported, wildly free, and like everything is ‘right’ in your world
  • A full library of past energetic clearings + workshops available with the annual membership to help you stay high vibe and shift out of funky moods with ease

Let’s Elevate!

There is no doubt that there is different galactic energy available to us, and now that we can feel them more intensely it’s vital that we keep our energetic bodies clean and clear. 

Not only will you be clearer energetically, you will learn how to access and deepen your own galactic connections and intuition.

You wouldn’t only brush your teeth if they looked like they needed it – it is the same with your energy. After you have been realigned and cleansed you can certainly feel the difference.

Elevate has been going for years now, and the women in it tell us that fall asleep most nights to a clearing from the Energetic Library and that it allows them to stay energetically clear and move quickly out of any funky moods or energy.

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