Elevate your Intuition & Magic
Emerge: 6 month incubator for women ready to turn up their intuition,
tap into soul and access the most powerful magic in the world
Are you done with life feeling stuck and clunky because you are following the rules instead of tapping into your intuition and magic?
Are you ready to do life from a place of alignment and overflow?
Are you ready for more? More peace, more joy, more impact, and more magic!
Are you ready to be fully connected and supported?
You have caged your power, denied your greatness, and hidden your birth right intuition & magic for too long, it is time to Emerge
Packed with practical magic application, quantum trainings, soul activations, galactic practices, and rock solid aligned action taking, this program will deliver results on every level.
Learn how to connect to your soul, become permanently hooked up to your higher consciousness, and be guided in your every move in business.
Undergo a masculine delamination, shedding the old patterns and beliefs that have kept you stuck and small to emerge as the divine feminine who rises to the top every time.
Tap into the quantum to unleash results in ease and flow.
Use your turned up soul access, feminine energy and new quantum skills to create soul aligned hot AF offers that will have clients screaming hell yes.

There are four powerful phases of Emerge that will see you accesing your full intution & magic, and crystallising into the woman who gets to have it all, the money, the peace, the joy, the love.
1. Accessing Your Soul
Soul activation session to get you tapped into soul right from the start
The method to access your higher self and inner wisdom FAST and with CERTAINTY – with downloadable journal for connecting to your higher self every day
Galactic re-coding for evolution process, past life activations and remembrance trainings

2. Masculine Delamination
Exploring and releasing the masculine contructs that are holding us stuck
Calling forth and activating your inner feminine power
Taking back your personal power and installing supportive boundaries that allow you space and joy

3. Accessing Quantum Magic
Diving into magic that can be applied in a practical way
Step by step process for accessing the quantum
Method for channeling messages and deciphering codes

4. Crafting Aligned & Hot AF Offers
Training and method for creating your hottest offers
Creating a sales page that is hot as heck and converts
Emergence ceremony

20 weeks of spiritual activation, re-coding and unleashment on every level, energetic, phycological, practical and spiritual
3 proprietary soul access methods – valued at $666
8 Galactic re-coding for evolution trainings – valued at $1584
3 energetic clearing methods – valued at $399
5 practical quantum magic application trainings – valued at $999
2 past live activations to reveal and unleash your past talents and heal wounds which are still having an effect on your business in this lifetime – valued at $499
1 Hottest Offer Unleashment Method valued at $999
1 sales page training valued at $399
Total value = $5545
Regular price = $1600
*all prices are in USD
Your Price Today $777
This method really works!
“I rave about the program to friends who have been musing on their own spiritual development, and tell them that having a pathway laid out, to follow, helps guide you to places that you might not discover on your own, and having resources to go back to time and again has a compounding benefit when you find those “oh shit, can/should I really do this wobbly moments”