Nomad Training
12 week journey to remember and access your galactic heritage,
and activate your galactic connection and gifts
Starts 8th June
With galactic activators Michelle Clarke & Jacqui O’Oconnor
Are you finding life challenging on this moving ball of energy and are wondering what’s next and what part you have to play in it?
Do you feel like you are here for something big but you are not sure how to connect all the dots or what is involved?
Have you always felt ‘different’ and are feeling the energy shifts lately but are not sure why you are feeling them?
Are you ready to learn how the new world ‘ticks’ so you can be an example for your family and others?
You are feeling these current energy shifts because wether you like it or not, you are connected to galactic energy, and it is time for you to tap into that energy source and Activate Your Galactic Connection!
You are one of us, a galactic being, wether you realize or like it or not – and it’s time to:
Connect with others in your soul family and realise the bigger purpose you are here for at this time.
Learn how to tap into and turn up your galactic energy to support earth and all the people on it in this new world.
Remember your connections and access your gifts from Atlantis, Lemuria, Sirus and more.
Receive support from two Galactic Goddesses who are already accessing and utilizing this energy efffectively and have had hit all the speed bumps and traps on the journey.

What you need to know about Galactic Nomad Training and the unleashment of your galactic heritage, gifts and skills…
1. Weekly coaching
12 weeks of face to face virtual coaching with Michelle Clarke, Jacqui O’Connor and special guests.
Witnessing and celebration of your journey, your unleashment, and the rising of your power and purpose on this planet.
Full interaction, integration and immersion with your galactic soul family – you will never feel weird or alone ever again!

2. Explore past galactic life times
Visit well known (and not so known) galactic planets energetically to download memories and galactic gifts to use in this lifetime.
Reconnect to and activate your galactic magic to help others through this integration period.
Find out why you feel so drawn to Atlantis, Lemuria, Sirus and other places.

3. Physically wrangle galactic energy
Learn how to actively access galactic energy inside your body.
Discover how to capture and utilize your galactic energy to assist others at this time.
Create magic and miracles with your soul family and let your real alien self out of the closest.

Connecting with Heart Place Hospital and Empowerment Empires has released 4+decades of beliefs that life is hard and no one has their shit together in a puff of smoke. They have the winning combo of bridging between heaven and earth, demystifying the science and accessing the codes to living of life only seen in movies and read in books. Aroha nui ladies, you have my vote for leaders of whatever comes next
At the beginning of this year Jacqui from Heart Place Hospital said … I see you and can guide you during this time. She set me up with Michelle who led me to places I’ve never been or heard of yet I felt like I was home. She unblocked parts of me I hadn’t realized were shut down and opened my eyes to making the impossible, possible and magic and miracles. I’m in awe and wonder of these two incredible women and the impact they are making in the world.
We had accessed every possible support available for our daughter so had nothing to lose when we met with Jacqui at Heart Place Hospital. Together, we’ve overcome the odds and made the impossible, possible, created magic and miracles and ….she thrives. We are your biggest fans and will shout from the roof top that multidimensional service is the panacea over the one dimensional ‘fix’ we’ve seen and had offered to us for generations. Love you love rockstars and hope merchants to the moon and back – you save lives!
It’s time to say yes to…
- Accessing and utilising your galactic gifts that have been laying dormant (or not so dormant) your whole life
- Showing up for the purpose that you were really bought here for and get on with creating and offering what you are really here to offer (psst… this will have you getting paid handsomely for being you – and yes it feels as yummy as it sounds)
- Connecting deeply to galactic energy and magic to make you feel fully supported, wildly free, and like everything is ‘right’ in your world