your business
Meshing the woo with the do
Business systems, strategies and solutions that work for women here to help the world be do and feel better
The word needs what you’ve got to offer.
Empowerment Empires will show you how to mesh the woo with the do to get results in a way that upholds your values, nourishes your soul, and that has a positive impact on both the world and your personal energy and wealth expansion.
Ready to rise?
Looking For a Great Place to Start?
Do you want to tap into what you are REALLY here to do in the world?
Book An Energetic Business Reading!
A 3-phase energetic reading that dives into your true purpose, clarifies where your particualr universal energy and magic comes from and how to access it, tells you what and how your business will serve you and humanity in the future, and discovers and solves anything standing in your way.
Energetic Business Reading’s for those ready to quantum leap in business, find out what they are really here to do and get specifics on directions and methods…
PHASE ONE: Pre-reading consultation around your business, future directions, any blocks that might be showing up and any questions you may have.
PHASE TWO: The reading takes a deep dive into your energetic past (this lifetime and past live times) to provide clarity on your business today and what that means for your future. A detailed report is provided.
PHASE THREE: Meet online to discuss findings and undertake any energetic/healing work required.
ALSO: Recieve homeplay for continued growth and to elevate your personal energy so you can get on with helping the world to be, do and feel better in bigger and bolder ways!

The world has most definitely changed and we have no choice but to change with it. This is where Michelle Clarke, Energy Maverick from Empowerment Empires steps in with her galactic energy readings and galactic they are. Finally discovering our truth and stepping away from the stories is liberating and quite honestly a massive turn on to an epic life that dreams are made of. Making sense of everything makes so much sense in quantum leaps that otherwise would have taken a lifetime.
Heart Place Hospital set me up with a healing round table of healed healers who also saw me, Empowerment Empires was one of those. Michelle led me to places I’ve never been or heard of yet I felt like I was home. She unblocked parts of me I hadn’t realised were shut down and opened my eyes to making the impossible, possible and magic and miracles. I’m in awe and wonder of these two incredible women and the impact they are making in the world.
Connecting with Heart Place Hospital and being referred to Empowerment Empires has released 4+decades of beliefs that life is hard and no one has their shit together in a puff of smoke. They have the winning combo of bridging between heaven and earth, demystifying the science and accessing the codes to living of life only seen in movies and read in books. Aroha nui ladies, you have my vote for leaders of whatever comes next
3 Ways to Grow
Grow Your Wealth Mindset
The universe wants you to have everything you need to succeed and feel amazing (so you can show up for others). Availability for us is limitless if we get out of our way, heal our relationship with money and receiving on all levels, and swap out our lack believes for ones that will support us on our journey to wealth.
Business Growth Program
The Business Acceleration Club is for women ready to grow their business to 6 figures+ in ease and flow. 20+ powerful online business growth courses providing the solid structure and sassy systems to scale your business fast instead of winging it. Online course (with added coaching as and when required).
Private Business Coaching
Intuitive MBA backed business coaching one on one with Michelle who can clearly see the root of a challenge within minutes and provide powerful shifts, insights, tools and systems to move you forward fast. One-off Sessions & Monthly Coaching Packages available.