Hi There!
I’m Michelle, founder of Empowerment Empires
I’m here to raise the vibrations of the planet
Hi I am Michelle Clarke, founder of Empowerment Empires. I’m a soul-led energy maverick, author, public speaker, coach, animal lover, tree hugger, empath, and more than anything, an empowerer of women.
Why do I want to empower woman? True empowerment is freedom. To be empowered means that you trust yourself, and know that you have inside of you all that you need to do what you are here to do in the world – and also the resources and resilience to source what ever you may need in the future too. This level of freedom sets the tone for everything. It allows you to live in full joy, to bravely share your truth and medicine with the world, to ask for what you desire and receive it with ease. But most importantly, it has us vibrating at a frequency which positively impacts everyone and everything around us.
Why just women? I want to empower everyone, men are not excluded. But my experience as a woman in the world of business has shown me that the models out there are made for men and we require something that is a better fit for us and an extra dose of empowerment in a way that nourishes us if we are to bring our much needed gifts to the world.
Michelle’s Archetype:
Yang Metal
Yang Metal is KING energy, a person who can see what needs to happen and set everyone in motion to do it. It makes me awesome in coaching sessions and in organizing retreats, but pretty painful as a child and young adult.
I was constantly in trouble for speaking the truth and being bossy. It took me a long time to own my nature, and while your archetype may not be the same as mine, I want to show you how ebracing your truest self is the path to joy, freedom, health and wealth.
It’s all about focusing on our own ‘garden’. Building a life that matches our energy, our loves, our desires for the future.
“Don’t waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come”. – Mario Quintana

Energy &
Galactic Spirituality
I was born connected to soul (as we all are) and as a child was teased mercilessly for being ‘away with the fairies’. It was not until later in life that I let this skill come to the fore and become my number one assest.
On top of being strongly connected to spirtual guides, I am an empath – and chances are, you probably are too. I feel others’ feelings so strongly that I sense beyond their emotions to their physical sensations. This really is a gift (even if I didn’t see it that way to begin with) because it allows me to get to the root of a challenge super fast – ideal for coaching!
Once I accepted that my spiritual connection was a gift and that just because others didn’t understand or approve of it, it didn’t mean that I shouldn’t use every unique gift and skill I had in all areas of my life, things got much easier! I now understand that I am very connected to galactic information and realms, and a lot of the work that I do comes from that place now – and more interestingly… a lot of the women I work with (about 90%) discover that have have galactic connections too.
I now use my spiritual connection to guide my business, my health, my wealth, and every other area of life with amazing results – semi retired, travelling the world and living off self generated passive income is not that common for women my age, but it is totally possible! and I want you to live in a way that lights you up too.
Some quirky facts about me:

I dropped out of school at 16 as a straight-A student to enter health training. I had planned this all out at nine years old because I wanted to make people feel great, and I still do. I had saved up $10K to do the course myself by this age (that was enough to put a deposit on a house back then).

I had our family 90% self sufficient at one stage, making cheese, wine, growing all vegetables and protein.

I love to kiss animals, and my most treasured pet was my milking goat, Belinda.

I have a strange sense of humour and love to laugh. I find joy and fun in every situation (or find a way not to be involved). If something is fun, it will have good energy, and it will flow.

Being a Taurus I am a homebody and love routine. It sets me free and allows me to achieve great things, but I have also travelled to over 30 countries, have lived and worked in four countries, and travel at least once a month.

I was married, mortgaged, pregnant and had my first company by age 26.

I have managed 3 of the most prominent colleges in New Zealand and have over 19 qualifications, including an MBA and a Teaching Degree and nutrtional qualifcations.

I had a NZ native wild pony (my Kaimaniwa Bramble) who bit me so hard when I first met her the wound took several weeks to close. I won her over eventually and she would sulk when I stop kissing her. My Anglo Arab mare that I have had since she was 2 lives with my beautiful ex-neighbour in New Zealand.

I am under 5 ft tall, 4.9 to be exact, and have dyslexia.

I live in on the sunny Algarve in Portugal with my hubby and our dog Zeela, and we have a 19 year old daughter who has flown the nest.