Elevate Your Business
For soul-led women
Ready to…
Elevate your business, wealth, impact & joy?
And to get results
In ease & flow?
Elevate your business by elevating on multiple levels…
Your energy in one area affects all other areas. Your business elevation depends on your personal energy and vibe. Your joy is not separate from your bank account. Your environment is not separate to your energy. Your self worth is not separate from your client relationships. Your boundaries are not separate to the way you receive.
Ready to elevate your business and your life?
Ways to Elevate your Business & Life
Elevate Your Personal Energy
As energetic beings having a human experience we can get clogged up with collective and personal energy, hooks and traumas, and we need to clear those regularily to reset you to a frequency where you can sail through what ever comes your way with clarity and certainity. Just as we clean our teeth everyday, we can clear our energetics regularily too.
Elevate Your Intuition
You have denied your magic, caged your greatness, and dimmed your real talent for too long, it is time to turn up your gift (don’t worry you do have it) and start living life and doing business from a place of supported flow. Turn up your intuition and unlock your personal access to the most powerful magic in the world with our 6-month intution incubator.
Elevate Your Business
Business growth methods, systems and practices that work for women who are here to help the world be, do and feel better. Grow your profits with Business Acceleration Club, grow your wealth in Feminine Wealth Creatrix, book an Energetic Business Reading, or book a private coaching session for practical business growth support.
Do we align?
Let’s dig deeper and find out
Our take on elevation
Empowerment Empires was founded by Michelle Clarke in 2015 specifically to raise up women who are here to help the world feel, be, and do better because the world needs what you have got! The women who make up Empowerment Empires are here to elevate the vibration of the earth, and believe that this starts with our own personal vibration, or energy. For us, elevation begins with two things that seem to be missing from today’s society, freedom and joy.
Everything we do here at Empowerment Empires wether it be a business growth club, a wealth course, or an energy raising meditation, all contain components which will transform the energetics and practicalities of your life and business to allow you to experience both freedom and joy by the bucket load. And the best thing about that is, it has ripple effects for the people and planet around you… As you expand your own personal energy and receiving, so too do others.
How We Get Results
Empowerment Empires is a well rounded team of coaches, healing experts, graphic design stars, social media specialists and IT gurus. We offer coaching, online courses, in person workshops and luxury retreats.
We don’t do normal and we don’t focus on just one area – that is the secret to the results our clients experience. We powerfully combine energetics, savvy systems and practices, and aligned action taking with powerful coaching. For us, sustainable results in ease and flow are obtained when all these factors are embraced together.

Hi, I’m Michelle
I’m obsessed with elevating and empowering women because we are the ones here to change the world!
I live in sunny Portugal these days where I bought my hubby of 22 years to retire. We love living here and most of the time you will find me doing aerial yoga, riding my bike, cooking & entertaining, reading, connecting with nature or volunteering at the animal shelter, And a few days a week you will find me creating courses & retreats and coaching awesome women too.
I have never been considered normal. Yes I have coaching & education qualifications as well as a business MBA, nutrition training, massage & health qualifications alongside 25 years of succesful business operation, but I have also been psychic since birth. When I finally stopped buying into the rules and let my spiritual gifts and feminine power mingle with my yang metal determination and business know-how, that is when things really shifted for me and I turned my life into something that I couldn’t wait to leap out of bed for, And that is what I now spend my time sharing with other women – how to elevate every area of their lives.
My soul’s purpose is to raise the vibration of the earth – and so is yours! If you have made it this far down the page it is because you are here to do the same even if you haven’t quite figured out exactly what that looks like yet.
Our personal energy ripples out to affect everything around us: our loved ones; our clients; our businesses; our bank accounts; and even the planet. But we are trying to operate with systems that do not support us, cloudy energetics, empty love tanks, unhelpful beliefs and coding, and poor habits. This needs to change – and it won’t change through more of the same and a little extra hustle. I want to show you a whole new way of doing things. I want to show how to elevate every area of your life: health, wealth, love – and step into full joy.
Why do I want that? When your energy is elevated you are by default raising the vibration of the earth and everyone around you. Ripple effects baby! Are you in? I would love to chat to you, you can reach out to me on any of our social media channels or email the team at info@empowermentempires.com.

Who are we?
What we stand for and against
Our Brand Values
Empowerment Empires values connection first and foremost, we need our soul connection and a connection with each other to access expansion and allow results in ease and flow. We believe that mindset is the key to everything, success, joy and freedom, and while we do not embrace toxic positivity we strongly believe that everything happens “for” us, not to us, and we choose to grow and learn. That brings us to expansion, we and our clients obtain consistent improvements through expansion, not sacrifice and achieve this by elevating vibrations, installing healthy boundaries, creating space for connection, and reviewing, reflecting and taking swift and aligned actions. And finally joy and love frequency – these two, while listed last are most important, with joy and love frequency everything is obtained in ease and flow.
Our Brand Promise
Empowerment Empires is committed to raising all women up so they can get on with impacting the world as they were brought here to do. We promise to empower our clients to RISE, to reach for the stars, to shine brightly and to embrace life and success with joy and passion. We promise to always act in integrity and say the hard things (in a loving way) that need to be brought to light for growth – we are on your team and here for you 100%.
What We Stand For
Empowerment Empires stands for women embracing their magic and gifts, taking bold actions, using intuition and having a thriving business while living in full joy, stepping into worthiness, speaking out and having strong boundaries, and showing the next generation they can have a life to look forward to.
What We Stand Against
Empowerment Empires stands against doing things the way it has always been done (because we are here for change), following rules instead of intuition, and for towing the line because it is easier to keep the peace.
This method really works!
“Wow! What a ride… and it’s only just begun. Michelle has been amazing at giving me perspective, tools and resources to help me take my business to the next level. She has helped me overcome blockages and I have not only started a second business, but also built my first business to the point of needing to employ someone else.“ – Gemma

“Absolutely stoked to be working with you. I truly cannot believe how much has already shifted! My relationship with money and how I look at and operate my business is mind-blowingly radically different, and I can’t believe I can earn this much in such a short amount of time?! What! You’re incredible, and I can’t wait to continue working with you.“ – Patty

“Thanks Michelle! This is awesome. Phone rang about half an hour ago and I said to my hubby this will be another new client.
He said how do I know, I said I just do. And it was for a massive global brand, dream client! So that’s my 2 clients for the week already!“ – Katherine

“This is a shout out to Michelle Clarke I have been part of her group for the past 2 and a bit months and can honestly say my life and biz have been turned upside down, inside out and transformed. I have discovered so much about myself, so many things that have been holding me back.“ – Sarah C

“F**k this stuff really works! I set a goal to get 3 new clients for a new student I took on and I got 7… WTF.
I wish that I had of known about how to get these results so much sooner, better late than never, look out world here I come” – Kate

“I’m so grateful for the help this group has given me with confidence, flow and all sorts in between Sold out Girl Power workshop with a waitlist – WAHOO! Meeting my $ income targets + more two months running. Felling very happy + proud!“ – Catherine

“I had a breakthrough during our FemPower Zoom meeting.
On another positive, just checked my website stats, sales up 13% compared to previous 4 weeks, and revenue from sales up 10% – yes!!“ – Vicki

“ I just wanted to say your F**king amazing!!! I have been in business for 7 years and haven’t experienced what I have experienced this week in many years. Working from flow this has resulted in some immediate business but more importantly future business in the upcoming months!” – Sandra

“For the past week I had a mental block that had me stopped in my tracks. After our call I’m back in flow again. I’ve achieved more today than I have in the past week! There’s no doubt that Michelle is the ‘secret weapon’ to my mindset and my business .” – Amanda

Wondering where to start?
Take our quiz
Take the Energy Elevation Quiz
Find out what area is creating potential energy leaks in your life and business right now – and receive a persoanlized free resource to resolve that energy leak today!
The Best Places to Start
Find Out If You Like Us
Join our Free Elevate Community, here you can get a feel for who we are while also beginning to understand where you might like to start your own journey to elevating every area of your life.
Clear Your Energetics
Energy matters most. Without energy nothing can be achieved, changed, or received. The fastest and most fun way to raise your energy is through weekly galactic energy activations.
Get an Energetic Business Reading
Book a four phase Energetic Business Reading if you are ready for a quantum leap in your business and want to gain clarity for future business directions, unlock your potential and clear blockages.